Advertising is not something foreign to the internet. If the network of networks has done anything, it will revolutionize what this concept means. Currently, very important changes have been introduced in the matter , so much so that referring to advertising as what we knew until a few years ago has become somewhat obsolete.
If you want to be at the forefront, aware of the latest trends, then be sure to read this article, as we will give you a quick tour of digital marketing and we will give you some important tips if you decide to invest in this attractive and lucrative activity.
The acronyms address different aspects of digital marketing although they are closely related to each other, so it is easy to confuse them. If this is the first time you are hearing them or you have no idea what they mean, in this section we will tell you about it.
SEO is responsible for the positioning of a page, account, photo or video on the web. If you do a search on Google (for example, about businesses that offer delivery in your city) or on YouTube (about a cooking recipe or a book review), you will notice that several search results immediately appear, and that there are some who manage to be higher than others.
The function of SEO is to study why these options are above others, their characteristics, and what it takes to reach those places. This is very important for companies, since it is well known that the average user chooses among the first positions and does not advance in the search.
The SEM, for its part, deals with web advertising specifically. They study their advantages and risks and offer solutions to companies on the best ways to make themselves known and offer services and products.
So the first thing you should do, in addition to distinguishing them, is know what exactly you want for your business. In this sense, there are companies that focus on achieving excellent positioning on the web, while others prefer to focus on advertising. Everything will depend on the nature and business model of your company.
A quick guide to how web advertising works
Google revolutionized the concept of advertising since it implemented the virtual modality. Previously, the style was used in which each advertisement was paid according to the impact it generated in the media, but in 2000 the most famous search engine in the world changed the modality and established that payment had to be made for each click on the advertisement, a practice that it keeps.This means that web advertising is not exempt from payments: they must be made as if they were being used in any other medium. The price value will also depend on the rates of the medium (Google, Instagram, YouTube) and the positioning you want to achieve. However, it is best to consult with a community manager who can tell you what is most convenient.