Building a website that holds the attention of passing users is a tricky process to master. Learning what people need to stay tuned into the content on your pages is a good place to start your journey when investigating what your design may be missing.
You can build a website that really holds the interest of users by adding just a few vital elements to your design. Here is a brief overview of some pivotal design tips for boosting engagement on your website.
Crafting a call to action
Learning to craft a strong call to action is a good step towards boosting engagement on your website. Simply finding the best way to ask a user to do something on your pages is a great way to get them to interact.
A compelling call to action asks users to make a move. For instance, “click here” or “get started now” can be used in conjunction with a witty precursor like, “If you want help with your troublesome debacle, click here.”
Making movement simple
If you want to encourage users to get involved with your content, you have to make it easy for them to dig around. Movement is important, and a simple navigation setup is key to providing an intuitive route for users to explore.
When you see a stationary navigation bar, you automatically know what to do with it. This website for an assisted living facility shows an excellent example of a stationary navigation setup in action.
Add interesting content
You can do well for engagement when your pages offer something interesting to read. Adding a blog that has well crafted entries will certainly provide enough reason for users to spend more than just a few moments with your web content.
A good blog post teaches and informs readers about topics or issues that are relevant to your site’s purpose. If your website is for a shoe business, your blog posts should be relative to the shoe industry. Relevant topics will draw readers that actually have an interest in your site.
Use the right color scheme
Color is a powerful tool, and using the right colors when you build your website can make a lot of difference in engagement. People will spend more time on pages that visually appeal to them.
Study up on what various color schemes do to the mind, and choose the right mix of hues for your site’s design with a little knowledge to back your decisions.
Add interactive elements
Interactive elements are fun and engaging by nature. People want to fiddle with things to find out what they do. Adding interactive elements to your website design gives people a reason to hang around a bit longer.